In this previous blog I mentioned two innovations of TMap HD:
1. Confidence through build in quality.
Quality has to be build in and cannot be tested in afterwards. TMap HD is based on this statement. As a matter of fact this isn’t an innovation, since it was already mentioned in the first (blue) TMap book.
2. The test manager acts directly on behalf of the client.
In Agile environments the role of test manager seems to become obsolete. TMap HD expends the scope of the test manager, so he also might have a role as product owner or acting on behalf of the business clients and not necessarily within a project.
I promised a sequel to highlight more innovations. Here are innovations 3, 4 and 5.
All innovations are triggered by general trends in the IT world, particularly the agile way of working. TMap is a test approach for all situations. The innovations denote shifts within the TMap palette. All three innovations mentioned here follow the trend, triggered by agile and lean, to pragmatically focus on only those activities that contribute to customer value.
3. TMap HD is Human Driven not process driven.
This human driven vs process driven is new in TMap HD and the base for its name. Human Driven denotes that the way testing is performed is no longer a standard process that can be adapted, but is chosen to fit the situation, starting with nothing and selecting only those test activities that are necessary. The tester or test manager determines what is best. Situational. Especially these days, where Agile disrupts the waterfall software development way of working and where cowboying seems to be the new standard, there are no recipes or prescribed steps. The best way to test in a specific situation is determined human driven. People is one of the five elements that addresses this innovation in TMap HD.
4. TMap extends from Adaptive to Integrated
TMap certified testers have learned about THE test process as an independent track within a project. In TMap HD that is possible, but not necessary. The (one and only) test process no longer exists in TMap HD. There are many ways to integrate test activities in the development process.
In TMap HD we acknowledge that there is not ONE test process, but A test process. That test process is integrated in the development process. In a waterfall approach it still can be the independent track. In an agile approach the process is subordinated to the individuals and interaction (Manifesto: We value individuals and interaction over processes and tools). The test process should be integrated with and adapted to its environment. In TMap HD we address this innovation in the element Integrate.
5. Testing with TMap, not according to TMap
TMap, especially the TMap NEXT book, is appreciated as a reference guide with an overview of test levels, test types, test stages and test techniques. TMap NEXT had the element of adaptability, in TMap HD this is more highlighted by the introduction of building blocks. Building blocks are steps or elements of the old test process, that – possibly, but not necessarily - can be used, since TMap HD is not a recipe.
Final remarks.
We noticed that these innovations create all kinds of new challenges. Like in Agile, losing the fixed process seems to encourage cowboying. Like the agile manifesto, TMap HD can be misinterpreted as ‘no more rules’, to get rid of documentation and other annoying work. In these disruptive times, we have to rethink many things, including our own way of working. TMap HD inspires to do so. We live in a transitional phase where new development processes arise with integrated test activities, new building blocks will be needed. For instance, we already know test driven development and exploratory testing. And I am convinced that we haven’t seen all yet.
In the Agile way of working, a lot of things are build in that we as testers have always wanted:
- Early involvement
- Shared responsibility
- Embedded process improvement
- Test every decision as it is made, no faults forward.
And other things. This will help you and your team define your own process.
Published: 14 July 2017
Author: Aldert Boersma