InfraTesting with TMap
ICT infrastructure is the fundament of ICT and has the obligation to provide more flexible, cost-efficient and – especially – reliable ICT infrastructure components. The integration and complexity of ICT infrastructure is increasingly difficult to understand and to control. The business however expects infrastructure to be simpler and more reliable, based on the Utility Computing model, and wants to profit from developments such as Cloud Computing, Bring Your Own Device and Mobility. So expectations are high - but so are the challenges. This requires risks to be identified in an early stage to enable efficient mitigation. Remarkably, in contrast to software development teams, structured testing is not a common practice for infrastructure departments.
The realm of ICT infrastructure is a creative one in which structure must be applied in the right way to obtain success. By nature, ICT-infrastructure employees like to solve problems, provide services and are by nature pragmatic. However, structure is too frequently associated with processes, procedures and regulations that tend to have a retarding effect upon the creative process. Therefore, it is far from self-evident that the structured testing of infrastructural components will have added value for every organization dependent upon infrastructure. Therefore, testing infrastructure solutions, demands particularization in relation to testing information systems. Infrastructural knowledge and experience, in combination with a particularization of the TMap NEXT® method, form the basis. You want to know more about infrastructure testing?
This book has been written from the perspective of Jerome, a fictitious infrastructure employee, who is making his first serious acquaintance with structured infrastructure testing. On the basis of Jerome's practical case a description and explanation of the unique infrastructure test approach is given. Throughout the book, in dept information on specific subjects concerning product risks, formulation of requirements and acceptance criteria and timely involvement of IT Operations is given.
This book is primarily intended for ICT employees who have to deal with infrastructure. Readers with a test background may observe differences, here and there, with their own frame of reference. It is a simplified representation of the testing process, in which several aspects of testing remain underexposed and some deeper layers remain unmentioned.
All together this book will give insight in the structured yet simple and highly pragmatic approach to efficiently and effectively testing infrastructure components which leads to a higher quality of infrastructure.