TMap NEXT® in scrum
How do you do that?
In this book we demonstrate how TMap can be integrated with the scrum approach to form one integrated agile approach.
Experience has taught us that testing is not only an extremely important activity in a scrum approach. It has also stimulated our view that testing should be fully integrated in this approach in order to be as agile as possible. In this book, we explain our vision and translate this to concrete applications. In this context, we regard testing not as a process alongside the scrum approach but rather as an integral part of the approach.
The integration of the TMap NEXT® methodology with Scrum is described in two ways; first, for organizations that are familiar with TMap® and want to apply it in a scrum environment; and secondly, for organisations that already work in a scrum environment. It shows how to integrate TMap® in this environment, using concrete practical examples for additional clarity. In this book Sogeti also shows that software testing is an integral part of a Scrum approach and not a separate process.